all of the above

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Shop B*tches

Nyssa Margret Marow(Shop, Fashion)

How often do you work?
N: Every Friday
E: Every Saturday
T: As little as possible…Thursday and Friday
K: I’m there every other day that’s not covered
N: But I’m ALWAYS there…L: errm when i'm sober. sometimes 7 times a week, sometimes none. - when i'm sober

Rodney Finger bowl (Shop, Art Guy, Resident Blogger)

What do you do when your not here?
N: I never leave…Nah I am a fashion Nerd and I just do homework
E: Ah, I work. I screenprint…t-shirts
T: I live on the internet
K: I’m a myspace lurker…and I pretty much just think about this place.

L:work in another design studio, sleep, make beats. flirt. Party.

Kerry Findlow(Shop, Mother Hen)

Favourite Fashion era?
N: the future!
E: ah…Tuesdays
T: The 90’s
K: Hey that’s mine, I’m early 90’s
T: I’m just gonna say the 90’s full stop.
L: really like the 50's disheveled grimey newsboy, dime a dozen, smokey Tom Waits sorta look,
pointy roach killer shoes, baggy stovepipes with suspenders. a strait tie and a crinkled hat.
but what i wear / make would be 70's rock meets 80's hiphop. (go figure)

Eliott "NINJA" Reid(Shop, Screen Printer)

What’s on your wishlist?
T: That’s tough one isn’t it…
N: a monkey…I totally want a monkey
E: New staff
N: well I want a new boss and a paycheck!
T: yeah getting paid
N: more wishes!
T: nah, umm,
E: I just want a really good hood that I can wear everyday of the week and no one is gonna be able to tell
T: nah probably like the Jordan V’s, yeah either the grapes or the black tongues nah both.
K: umm I want a haircut
L: to see Melbourne develop as a world renowned design capital. Lukey B(Graphic Design)

Mark Paterson (MIA, living it up in Hong Kong) (Graphic Design)

Pick your sales pitch:
A) That colour really brings out your eyes
B) Nah, Nah it won’t shrink
C) That brand is so hot in the states right now
D) All of the Above
T: I’m gonna say B
K: yeah same, I pull that one out all the time
E: I’ll go the same
K: Nah, you’re more C Elliot, I’ve heard that come out of your mouth.
T: yeah I’ve heard you say it on a few occasions
N: what do I say…I don’t say anything except HELLO….
E: ok think I’ll pick D
L: well d) but i' just work the infectious smile and puppy dog eyes. works every time.
Shop Bitches!
All of the Above


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