Monday, May 25, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Delightfully inspired 2.0
So couple weeks ago I spoke about the musical things that people are doing on that "next level", Today it's all about the reading, and no not from your computer.. Actual books and magazines.

First up Moncle magazine, when i first had a glance at it "i kinda thought it was something my dad should be reading " but after reading the first 5 pages i was like wow this is actually a really well put together piece of work crossing global affairs/business/culture and design, I don't think any other magazine is coming close to it on content. Come to think of it I am my fathers son soo... I guess my dad should be reading it. Oh and credit where credit is due thanks kerry for putting me on.

This man is soo far beyond the word cool, I don't think I can sum him up nearly as well as i should so read some of his stuff here and find out for yourself.
last up Kinokuniya this place is great for days when you just wanna chill and read books all day, I have a wish list of title's now that i want. It grows every time i go in there, there website isn't much but when your in sydney it's definitely a must.
Sunday was the Melbourne Musem Of Print's open day, looks like they had a pretty good turn out. If you don't know about the musem read more about it here. Very cool that these guys are keeping the foundation of design and typography alive, hopefully everyone went to support.

Friday, May 08, 2009
Delightfully inspired...
So things haven't been going the greatest for me as of late (i won't bring the mood down). As they say tho "the day is brightest in the morning"....... Umm... Sorry i don't know that was some weird George bush-ism you know like the one where he said " if you fool me once, shame on you... if you fool me twice,... if you fool me once i can't get fooled again." GENIUS!
OK sorry back to the point. Basically what I'm trying to say is that even tho things aren't going the greatest right now, there is allot of positive and great things happening around us all, Within "the arts" especially.. So I'll break it down categoricaly.
First up music.
Band camp
just think of them as "Your fifth (very nerdy) Beatle. We provide fast, dependable streaming and downloads of your entire catalog, adorn your tracks with all the metadata they need to sail into iTunes with artwork, titles, and so on intact, and mutter the various incantations necessary to get your site top-ranked in Google. All things we know you could do, but we suspect you’d rather focus on your music. Well, think of us as your invisible bandmate who loves that other stuff. And we won't even ask to play tambourine."
This is pretty cool considering how everyone is trying to make a buck these days and these guys are doing a huge service to the musical comunity... for FREE.
Check out U-N-I
I came across this podcast a few months back, Dex digital is homie's name. I kind of like the fact that he rambles about things on his mind before and after the show which is the basis or the theme of the show. It makes for good listening when your at work doing the mundane grind. He seems like a pretty interesting dude, the kind you'd have round to your place for dinner..
Say no more this dude is fire!! he is Eryka bahdu's first signing to her new label Control Freaq Records. He hails from the Infamous Magnolia projects in New Orleans but he's spent a few years floating round detroit with the likes of Guilty, Denine porter etc. I think the dopest thing bout this dude is that he isn't conforming to the stat quoe of hip hop, He' just doing it his way.
Check this lil interview with him very cool dude.
Next post tommorow... Stay tooned
Monday, April 20, 2009
lets try this again.....
So I was just in the middle of my first post in quite some time... when boom computer shuts down, SO frustrating! I was so positive before. Sorry let me try this again (deep breaths).
Right so what i was saying before was that after my long hiatus I've finally got a functioning computer, i hope... Basically it's the laptop version of this Lil beauty pictured below

envious i know. Ok so it's nearly been 5 months since my last contribution, so i've decided to make this my quarterly report of things i've been doing or things i've been digging recently. First up is this rad video i saw the other day. Not sure if it's legit, but dope none the less.
Next is Ways & Means these guys are so onpoint with their whole approach to putting things out, what put me on was the kinfolk bike/bar & lounge it's one of the projects they've done in conjuction with the kinfolk bicycle co. It's prolly best if you just read about them for yourself check the links. 

Homewares and getting domestic, I think it's some weird wanting to get old type of vibe... I don't know, but whatever it is i wish i could buy everything in this shop i ride past everymorning on my way to work. It's called Great Dane the guy who runs it does anuall trips to scandanavia to source new and original peices.

animals are my new favorites, ever since I adopted myself a mini tiger i can'tget enough... Kerry you should get one of these guys, look he's even waving to you.

Monday, January 19, 2009
Sorry bout the long intermission...
So i know i'm a lil late with the merry xmas n happy new year n all that... Alot has happened in the past few months unfortunately my laptop has been out of action for quite some time, hence no blog action for a minute. I'm posting this from a friends computer and the pictures are from a few outings with another friends new slr camera... i had to post something i feel like i was just getting into the swing of things before my lil hiatis.. Don't worry i will be back soon and hopefully there's kids still out there reading my blog.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
If?? ONLY.
So here we are again, more information from the super power we've all come to love, the internet. ONLY is a label based in the west side of Manhattan, ny ny. There roots stem from skateboarding & graffiti, like most kids these days there getting there hustle on. So why haven't i been reading there blog or sporting there gears... Am i that late to the game have i been sleeping that hard, schucks i think it's sad to say but YES I have... Apologies to these boys and all the other bazillions of people i have been and prolly (yes i said prolly, p.s i love his blog title check it out) still am sleeping on. Basically what i'm saying is that I will try to make that extra bit of effort to post new product, blogs, and interesting things in general.

Monday, December 01, 2008
art 10.
Came across this while perusing the blog circuit it was Grotesk over at 12oz prophets that put me on. El you'll love this flick and as for the rest of you don't fret cause it looks like these guy's do it all. It looks like there still building there website up but theres a few shots of there portfolio with some really cool photography and design.
check it ART10.

Parallel Strokes

Parallel Strokes