photography is one of those things that most people try at some point. it's the most accessible art form, but that's not to say that it's easily perfected. i for one am guilty of tryin to get my art on, to some disastrous results. it's that fluked great shot that keeps me coming back. here's some of the stuff i've been checking lately.

Martin Waugh - Liquid Sculptures
This series takes tremendous planning and precision, I think I love these because there is absolutely no way I'd have the patience to do it. Check more

Bill Sullivan - 3 situations
Bill set up 3 different situations, one at a subway turnstile, one in front of elevators at a department store and in the last one the people are all sitting for those street portraits where they draw your characature for 10 bucks. I love these. Read more about his concept and check the rest of the pictures in the series
Amanda Maxwell
This picture is one of my all time favourites. The horse looks totally complicit, and there's something about the light. Check it out in real life at Utopian Slumps until 22nd of December, Amanda is part of a group show with Conor O'Brien and Thomas Jeppe. Details