lets try this again.....
So I was just in the middle of my first post in quite some time... when boom computer shuts down, SO frustrating! I was so positive before. Sorry let me try this again (deep breaths).
Right so what i was saying before was that after my long hiatus I've finally got a functioning computer, i hope... Basically it's the laptop version of this Lil beauty pictured below

envious i know. Ok so it's nearly been 5 months since my last contribution, so i've decided to make this my quarterly report of things i've been doing or things i've been digging recently. First up is this rad video i saw the other day. Not sure if it's legit, but dope none the less.
Next is Ways & Means these guys are so onpoint with their whole approach to putting things out, what put me on was the kinfolk bike/bar & lounge it's one of the projects they've done in conjuction with the kinfolk bicycle co. It's prolly best if you just read about them for yourself check the links. 

Homewares and getting domestic, I think it's some weird wanting to get old type of vibe... I don't know, but whatever it is i wish i could buy everything in this shop i ride past everymorning on my way to work. It's called Great Dane the guy who runs it does anuall trips to scandanavia to source new and original peices.

animals are my new favorites, ever since I adopted myself a mini tiger i can'tget enough... Kerry you should get one of these guys, look he's even waving to you.