Name? Ritchie
Where is it you work and what's your role there? Another Inch Store / Owner, Designer, Buyer, Toilet Cleaner
What do you do on your off days?
i honestly dont get days off .... i work 7 days a week cause im the
cheapest asian sweat shop labour i know
Your favourite faxhion era?the renaissance for incredible detail and garment construction, the 40
- 50's for the birth of the tee and jeans (selvedge ofcourse) look,
80's catwalks and theirry mugler's theatrical parades ... shit thats
more than one
If you could work anywhere where would it be and why?
I wouldnt want to be anywhere else, 2010 rep
Burton St Beers .........
What's on your wish list?
pick your sales pitch?
a) that color really brings out your eyes.
b)Nah, nah it won't shrink.
c)That shit is going for double the price on ebay
d) all of the above.
was there ever a doubt ..... D !