Friday, June 30, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
James Jarvis interview

James Jarvis interview on is up and definetly worth the read . I particularly like when he says " My drive is to be better (or to not be so shit). The last piece of work is always the worst, so in the next one you must make amends. This never happens; the new work becomes the worst and the endless cycle continues!" you can check out more of James Jarvis
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Lead up to the Run up
I know there has been lots of trailers for this dvd but i saw this one and now i am officially excited, Jeff Soto is hands down one of my favorite artists. We should be getting a few of these with the rest of the upperplayground orderdropping Mid-late july. But don't hold it to me i'm only guessing...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Yo A-ron!! take me out to the ball game..

Like i've said before I read lots of blogs but none as regular as the glob, It's like crack i just keep going back for more. If your not up on it then get up on it and check it now you won't be dissapointed and don't forget to peep the crazed links.
Jeff Staple is Jack Bauer

Jeff staple has his hands in just about everything, Jeff Ng aka jeffstaple has masterfully created an entire world of communicating through design.The founder of Staple Design, Staple Clothing, and the Reed Space is a graphic and clothing designer, artist, DJ, writer and entrepreneur. I think we can add Tough guy to his already long list of achievements. go check out to find out why.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Shop B*tches
Nyssa Margret Marow(Shop, Fashion)
How often do you work?
N: Every Friday
E: Every Saturday
T: As little as possible…Thursday and Friday
K: I’m there every other day that’s not covered
N: But I’m ALWAYS there…L: errm when i'm sober. sometimes 7 times a week, sometimes none. - when i'm sober
Rodney Finger bowl (Shop, Art Guy, Resident Blogger)
What do you do when your not here?
N: I never leave…Nah I am a fashion Nerd and I just do homework
E: Ah, I work. I screenprint…t-shirts
T: I live on the internet
K: I’m a myspace lurker…and I pretty much just think about this place.
L:work in another design studio, sleep, make beats. flirt. Party.
Kerry Findlow(Shop, Mother Hen)
Favourite Fashion era?
N: the future!
E: ah…Tuesdays
T: The 90’s
K: Hey that’s mine, I’m early 90’s
T: I’m just gonna say the 90’s full stop.
L: really like the 50's disheveled grimey newsboy, dime a dozen, smokey Tom Waits sorta look,
pointy roach killer shoes, baggy stovepipes with suspenders. a strait tie and a crinkled hat.
but what i wear / make would be 70's rock meets 80's hiphop. (go figure)
Eliott "NINJA" Reid(Shop, Screen Printer)
What’s on your wishlist?
T: That’s tough one isn’t it…
N: a monkey…I totally want a monkey
E: New staff
N: well I want a new boss and a paycheck!
T: yeah getting paid
N: more wishes!
T: nah, umm,
E: I just want a really good hood that I can wear everyday of the week and no one is gonna be able to tell
T: nah probably like the Jordan V’s, yeah either the grapes or the black tongues nah both.
K: umm I want a haircut
L: to see Melbourne develop as a world renowned design capital. Lukey B(Graphic Design)
Mark Paterson (MIA, living it up in Hong Kong) (Graphic Design)
A) That colour really brings out your eyes
B) Nah, Nah it won’t shrink
C) That brand is so hot in the states right now
D) All of the Above
T: I’m gonna say B
K: yeah same, I pull that one out all the time
E: I’ll go the same
K: Nah, you’re more C Elliot, I’ve heard that come out of your mouth.
T: yeah I’ve heard you say it on a few occasions
N: what do I say…I don’t say anything except HELLO….
E: ok think I’ll pick D
L: well d) but i' just work the infectious smile and puppy dog eyes. works every time.
All of the Above
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Unplanned guerilla tactics

So what do you do for living: I'm a graphic designer / artist and one of the dj's of Spank rock . But at the moment this is this is my living..... Spank rock.
(What i meant to say for my next question was how many years did it take for you to get to where you are.what i actually said was)
How old are you: 40 something.... (then gave me a funny look. I talked more nonsense before I talked more nonesense and he got back to playing tunes, and my last question was the best)
Scarf or Gloves: F*ck i don't care! (with a smile and a few beers it was over.)
Friday, June 16, 2006
New rebel8 instore

The print isn't white it's a really subtle grey but it's reflective so it shows up much brighter.
Silver 'cock fight' print on the front, and hidden on the inside a black on black vinyl print of the diamond 8 logo.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Peace of mind

in todays crazed hyped up consumer culture it's hard to escape the thousands of limited cool guy colourways and brand calabo's...... Until now, Enter the new visvism. Check out for the real content..... Hiroki nakamura, Hiroshi fujiwara, Eddison Chen, Jeff staple, We love paris, Paul Mittelman only to name a few.
Kostas Seremetis

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
More photos

More more more. I riped most of these from go check out the shananigans these boys get up to.
Launch Party

Ok ok, i know it was last thursday but my hangover has just subsided ... Seriously, from the various emails and phonecalls i received everyone has said they had a killer time. So thankyou to all our sponsors and all the kids that came down, we apreciate it now come back and buy up all that fly gear i saw you ogling.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

You like free beer.! We like giving you free beer! coinciding with Amstel
All Of The Above is having our opening party!!
WHEN: This thursday the 8th of June!
WHERE: All Of The Above, 109 Victoria st, Fitzroy, just off brunswick st, between johnston st and Greeves!.
WHAT: All of the Above is the collective workspace of six bright young things playing to their strengths, culminating in retail space, design studio, gallery, fashion house and screen printing. This being the age of collaboration our space is a real time versus.
WHY: Store Opening party, limited edition T Shirts (see below) printed on the night to pre order check the All Of The Above blog Oh and did we mention free beer,
BEATS: by DJ Mafia!! We hope all our crew in melbourne on the night show up!!!
All Of The Above
Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pre order now and save yourself some coin.. go on do it. click the link to pick your size and colour.